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NAFOPHANU will coordinate work on HIV/AIDS in CEHURD led joint advocacy SRHRs Programme

CEHURD believes that strengthening linkages between HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHRs) is key in improving health outcomes for all.

HIV is a sexually transmitted infection. Therefore, lack of access to basic sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHRs) increases the risk of new HIV infections among adolescents, young women and men, marginalised communities, and women and girls.

NAFOPHANU Focus/ Area of Contribution to the JAS Programme

  • Provide leadership and coordination for the work on HIV/ AIDS at the national level.
  • Provide support for the implementation team in the districts of Isingiro and Kamuli.
  • Undertake community engagements, national level advocacy and movement building with the target constituency.

NAFOPHANU is the national umbrella organization for PLHIV in Uganda and (currently) mobilizes, supports and coordinates (110 district forums and 13) national networks of PLHIV for effective service delivery.

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